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1 week ago


Ultherapy®利用微聚焦超聲波,有效全面重整底層肌膚承托力、收緊肌膚、提升輪廓及激活膠原¹⁻²,#ultherapyhk!p療#認證4技#正貨p認證#SeePlanTreat #SeePlanTreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: auth.ultherapy-real.com/
¹ Fabi SG, Joseph J, Sevi J, et al. Optimizing Patient Outcomes by Customizing Treatment with Micro-focused Ultrasound with Visualization: Gold Standard Consensus Guidelines from an Expert Panel. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019; 18(5):426-432.
² White WM, Makin IR, Barthe PG, et al. Selective creation of thermal injury zones in the superficial musculoaponeurotic system using intense ultrasound therapy: a new target for noninvasive facial rejuvenation. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(1):22-29.
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#UltherapyHK #一次療程持效一年 #4大認證標誌 #認證診所名單 #技術系統標誌AmpilyII #正貨認證標誌 #合作夥伴認證證書  #SeePlanTreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所:  ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: https://auth.ultherapy-real.com/
¹ Fabi SG, Joseph J, Sevi J, et al. Optimizing Patient Outcomes by Customizing Treatment with Micro-focused Ultrasound with Visualization: Gold Standard Consensus Guidelines from an Expert Panel. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019; 18(5):426-432.
² White WM, Makin IR, Barthe PG, et al. Selective creation of thermal injury zones in the superficial musculoaponeurotic system using intense ultrasound therapy: a new target for noninvasive facial rejuvenation. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(1):22-29.
2 weeks ago

→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: bit.ly/4fBz0BP
^根據2021年9月1日Merz Aesthetics內部數據
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3 weeks ago

【See My Skin . Lift My Way】
作為一位精明用家,當然只會選安全、高效、 CP值高的Ultherapy® 微聚焦超聲波拉提療程。一次療程 ,效果更可持效一年*^,輕鬆維持年輕#ultherapyhkp持認#認證診l#正貨認認證#SeePlanTreatreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: bit.ly/4fBz0BP
^ 效果因人而異
*Werschler WP, Werschler PS. Long-term efficacy of micro-focused ultrasound with visualization for lifting and tightening lax facial and neck skin using a customized vectoring method. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2016;9(2):27-33.7
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【See My Skin . Lift My Way】
作為一位精明用家,當然只會選安全、高效、 CP值高的Ultherapy® 微聚焦超聲波拉提療程。一次療程 ,效果更可持效一年*^,輕鬆維持年輕美貌!
#UltherapyHK #一次療程持效一年 #4大認證標誌 #認證診所名單 #技術系統標誌AmpilyII #正貨認證標誌 #合作夥伴認證證書  #SeePlanTreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所:  https://bit.ly/4fBz0BP
^ 效果因人而異
*Werschler WP, Werschler PS. Long-term efficacy of micro-focused ultrasound with visualization for lifting and tightening lax facial and neck skin using a customized vectoring method. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2016;9(2):27-33.7
1 month ago

【對抗鬆弛 ︳全面提升】
Ultherapy® 微聚焦超聲波拉提療程以刺激膠原自生之最佳溫度 65°C¹,無創深入肌底4.5mm肌腱膜層,拉緊及刺激膠原蛋白增生,從而收緊面部輪廓,減少細紋和皺紋,達至#ultherapyhk;
a#認證次##正貨#il#SeePlanTreat合作夥伴認證證書 #SeePlanTreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: auth.ultherapy-real.com/
+ Lift the skin on neck, under the chin and on the brow
¹ Fabi SG, Joseph J, Sevi J, et al. Optimizing Patient Outcomes by Customizing Treatment with Micro-focused Ultrasound with Visualization: Gold Standard Consensus Guidelines from an Expert Panel. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019; 18(5):426-432.
²White WM, Makin IR, Barthe PG, et al. Selective creation of thermal injury zones in the superficial musculoaponeurotic system using intense ultrasound therapy: a new target for noninvasive facial rejuvenation. ³Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(1):22-29.
Ulthera Instructions For Use
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【對抗鬆弛  ︳全面提升】
Ultherapy® 微聚焦超聲波拉提療程以刺激膠原自生之最佳溫度 65°C¹,無創深入肌底4.5mm肌腱膜層,拉緊及刺激膠原蛋白增生,從而收緊面部輪廓,減少細紋和皺紋,達至理想的拉提效果¹⁻³⁺。
#UltherapyHK #一次療程持效一年 #4大認證標誌 #認證診所名單 #技術系統標誌AmpilyII #正貨認證標誌 #合作夥伴認證證書  #SeePlanTreat
→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所:  ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: https://auth.ultherapy-real.com/
+ Lift the skin on neck, under the chin and on the brow
¹ Fabi SG, Joseph J, Sevi J, et al. Optimizing Patient Outcomes by Customizing Treatment with Micro-focused Ultrasound with Visualization: Gold Standard Consensus Guidelines from an Expert Panel. J Drugs Dermatol. 2019; 18(5):426-432.
²White WM, Makin IR, Barthe PG, et al. Selective creation of thermal injury zones in the superficial musculoaponeurotic system using intense ultrasound therapy: a new target for noninvasive facial rejuvenation. ³Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(1):22-29.
Ulthera Instructions For Use
2 months ago

【辨識原廠正貨 ︳「4大認證」及「探頭認證系統」】

第1步︰揀選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
第2步︰原廠認證儀器的螢幕下方貼有「技術系統標誌Amplify II」
第4步︰進行療程前,檢查是否使用原廠認證的探頭。進入官方認證網站 (auth.ultherapy-real.com),再掃描探頭防偽標籤上的QR Code,輸入簡單資料,即時獲#ultherapyhkh一 #認證 A#正貨 合作#SeePlanTreatlanTreat

→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: auth.ultherapy-real.com
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【辨識原廠正貨 ︳「4大認證」及「探頭認證系統」】

第1步︰揀選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
第2步︰原廠認證儀器的螢幕下方貼有「技術系統標誌Amplify II」
第4步︰進行療程前,檢查是否使用原廠認證的探頭。進入官方認證網站 (https://auth.ultherapy-real.com),再掃描探頭防偽標籤上的QR Code,輸入簡單資料,即時獲取真偽結果。

#UltherapyHK #一次療程持效一年 #4大認證標誌 #認證診所名單 #技術系統標誌AmpilyII #正貨認證標誌 #合作夥伴認證證書  #SeePlanTreat

→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所:  ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: https://auth.ultherapy-real.comImage attachment
2 months ago

【卓越精準度 ︳針對不同皮膚深度】
透過Ultherapy®設計個人化嘅拉提方案!根據你嘅皮膚狀況和厚度,醫生會選擇最適合嘅深度,精準針對所需區域進行治療,收緊下顎線條及頸部肌膚、拉提眉線及改善上胸皺紋等等,充全面緊集中拉提 2大優勢。

→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所: ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: auth#ultherapyhke#p#認證療認#正貨技ly#SeePlanTreat作夥伴認證證書 #SeePlanTreat
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【卓越精準度  ︳針對不同皮膚深度】
透過Ultherapy®設計個人化嘅拉提方案!根據你嘅皮膚狀況和厚度,醫生會選擇最適合嘅深度,精準針對所需區域進行治療,收緊下顎線條及頸部肌膚、拉提眉線及改善上胸皺紋等等,充分實現 #全面緊緻 x #集中拉提 2大優勢。

→ 挑選Ultherapy®認證診所:  ultherapy.com.hk/certification
→ Ultherapy®正貨認證網站: https://auth.ultherapy-real.com/

#UltherapyHK #一次療程持效一年 #4大認證標誌 #認證診所名單 #技術系統標誌AmpilyII #正貨認證標誌 #合作夥伴認證證書  #SeePlanTreat
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